1. What are the job and postgraduate study opportunities after graduation?
GIU offers a wide range of unique specializations and majors that match labor market needs locally & globally. Only GIU offers these specializations and majors; it includes Automotive Mechatronics, Digital Marketing, Data Sciences, IT Security, Entrepreneurship - Small and Medium Enterprises- etc... As for postgraduate opportunities after graduation, GIU awards not only Bachelor’s degree but also Master’s degree that leads to PHD.
2. What are the admission requirements for GIU?
Please click here to get all the needed information about the documents needed to apply to GIU as well as the admission steps and procedures.
3. What are the GIU admission requirements for the English Language?
Applicants have to undergo and a pass a GIU specific English Admission Test as well as a Reasoning Test in order to proceed with the admission process.
4. What are the tuition & fees and the payment steps and procedures?
Please click here to get all the needed information about the payment amounts and the payment steps and procedures.
5. Are there any possible discounts, scholarships or financial aid?
For financial aid click Here
For scholarships click Here
6. Will training and internships be part of the graduation requirements for GIU students?
Yes, Internships and trainings will be part of the graduation requirements for the students.
7. Do students need a medical check-up?
Yes, students will undergo a medical checkup