April 3, 2023
Lecturer / Assistant Professor / Full Professor in Media Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction

We are looking for a personality with proven scientific and professional experience in one or more of the following areas:
• Human-Centered Design
• Natural User Interfaces
• Adaptive User Interfaces
• Gamification and Playful Interaction
• AR\VR Interaction Design
• Computer Vision and Image Processing
• Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
• Empirical/qualitative/quantitative evaluation methods.
Candidates should hold a PhD or Doctorate with extensive working experience (at least 3 years) in a related discipline (e.g., Computer Science Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, or Media Informatics).
Candidates should have a strong publishing portfolio in the relevant top tier international conferences (e.g., Ubicomp, CHI, MUM).
The professorship is to be involved in the relevant bachelor's, masters and PhD degree programmes in Media Informatics and participate in cooperative degree programmes (e.g. engineering and business informatics).
Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or graduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who have a record of accomplishment in independent and applied research.
The University expects the position holder to contribute to research funding by acquiring thirdparty funding and to participate in research and technology transfer. Initiatives and a willingness to experiment in teaching as well as contributions to the internationalisation of the University are expected.
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including employment history, a statement outlining research and teaching interests, a list of publications, and names of at least three referees.
Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. For best consideration, submit applications by 31st of May 2023
For further information, please contact the Human Resources Department

First Name:
Last Name:
Highest Obtained Scientific Degree
Please Upload you cover letter and CV: