Dr. Caroline Sabty from CS Faculty Presents a Paper at the Prestigious International LREC Conference
June 20, 2022

LREC (Language Resources Evaluation Conference), one of the leading conferences in Natural Language Processing, was held in June 2022 in Marseille, France with the participation of Dr. Caroline Sabty from the Informatics and Computer Science Faculty. The conference is a major annual event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies (HLT).


The conference also consisted of many networking events where international academic and industrial researchers were introduced to the German International University and the Informatics tracks and research currently taking place at the GIU.


Dr. Caroline presented the accepted paper with the title "Enhancing Deep Learning with Embedded Features for Arabic Named Entity Recognition" co-authored with Eng. Ali Lotfy Hatab and Prof. Dr. Slim Abdennadher.