GIU Goes Green- Berlin Summer Workshop
July 23, 2022

Students from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Engineering participated in the Berlin summer workshop ‘Pharma Industry Goes Green’ in the duration from July 23rd, 2022 to August 6th, 2022. Twenty-Three students attended the workshop organized and supervised by Dr. Marwa Hany, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lecturer- GIU. 


‘Pharma Industry Goes Green’ workshop offered the students an ideal chance to visit companies and institutes like KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH and HTW University. The students also learned about novel sustainable techniques in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. They attended several sessions held at our Berlin campus about sustainability and other green applications in pharma industry, one of which was introduced by a representative from the distinguished Beiersdorf AG. The students were offered the chance of learning, networking and international exposure. They had also fun through various cultural and touristic visits to explore Berlin and its attractive sites.