KNOW - GIU Orientation Days for First Year Students
October 4, 2022

The “KNOW - GIU Orientation Program” took place for the first time on Tuesday and Wednesday 4th and 5th of October at the GIU. The orientation days targeted the GIU newcomers of all majors. The event aimed to complement the regular newcomers’ orientations with two-days orientation- phase the following week. The idea was to get the newcomers started in a series of light activities and events to break the ice before the official semester start. The orientation consisted of informative sessions introducing the students to the university regulations and providing them with useful tips to help them excel at their studies.

These sessions were accompanied by fun activities like interactive sessions related to their study discipline, live entertainment, and a treasure hunt to familiarize the students with the campus. An average of 650 students attended the event during each day. One representative Lecturer and some of our Teaching Assistants from each faculty were involved in the events, as well as representatives from the English and Student Affairs Department.